Members: The AIJV has a worldwide membership of truly independent Jewellery
Valuers and Appraisers.
Members abide by our strictly enforced Code of Ethics regarding integrity, conduct, professionalism and, of course, independence.
Main aims: To promote the Independent Valuer and the benefits of using their services, to the Public, Retail Jewellers and the Insurance Industry.
To facilitate an international support network to overcome the challenges that are unique to the Appraiser and Valuer who places independence and objectivity above profit.
The characteristics that define a truly independent Valuer, beyond a high level of professionalism, are:
Private clients: You can be assured that the appraisal and valuation documentation you will receive will be unbiased, transparent and compiled to the highest standard of integrity.
Retail Jewellers: Our members' independence ensures a first-class jewellery valuation service for your customers and peace of mind for you - none of our members buy, sell or broker jewellery.
Insurance Industry and Government Agencies: Impartial, meticulously researched documentation ensures the soundest of foundations.